Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Park Fun

What happens at your local park on weekends? Culture (or lack there of) Shock happens daily here. I should be used to it... but I am not!

We had an end of the season soccer party at the park this weekend. Rich coached Hannah's team and assistant coached Mia and Whitney's team so we had a couple of teams and their parents there. Across the park (yet still within rock throwing distance) was an intense game of geriatric bingo. In the middle of the soccer kids and the bingo players was... this

It was some sort of pseudo "wrestling". Who has a ring set-up like this? Do you see the guy with the bedazzled lacy robe? Some poor grandma is missing her nice bathrobe. What about glitter and gold lame fabric says macho? It was such a surreal thing. You would hear screaming "Boo... get him....B- 9..." Hysterical.


Lori Ann said...

Where did you move to? Not only does it not have a Target, but it has wrestling in the park. Awesome!

Cami said...

Funny story! How does Richard find time to coach? What a dedicated daddy!

Seshat said...

I love it! You moved to a truly magical place. I can't wait until it's time for your county fair.