Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Little Update

I was determined to get some photos of the house up today. It rained all day yesterday but I got some photos anyway.

As you can see they are finishing the brick and stone work on the front of the house. They are painting and putting in the trim on the inside. The flooring and finish work will be next. All the utilities are in and running... so it is just a matter of weeks before we get to move in. YAY!!!
This is the left side of the house with a little bit of the back. We are pretty excited about getting everything finished. I am a little tired of living out of boxes. Soon......


Anonymous said...

So where are you living right now?

Woodland Family said...

In a nice little condo. We were lucky that our builder was trying to sell it and he let us rent it for a few months. It is also a good incentive for him to finish it quicker.. so that he can sell it.

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

Your house is going to be so wonderful. I love it so far - be sure to post pictures of the inside when you can. Keep us posted. Miss you!

Seshat said...

When's the party??

Twisted Sweeties said...

Is mom coming over for Thanksgiving?

kristenhcubed said...

What a beautiful home and a beautiful setting! I'm trying to get Nathan to build me a house, too. He's a little nervous about the process. I'll have to show him yours. Maybe your bravery will rub off! I'm excited for you.