Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's Fun to be the Mom and Dad... Just Not Today!

Gross out seems to be the theme right now... so I shall not disappoint.

Hannah became very sick to her stomach... and for some unknown reason ( I mean she is 11 years old) she did not make it to the bathroom in time to throw-up. Nope... in fact she did not make it to the bathroom to throw up until she had puked on every surface between herself and the bathroom. So I am going to give you all a visual of the road of puke. Not the actual puke... but the path of destruction.

So as we cleaned the couch, the carpet, the hardwood floors, the doors, the tile, and the toilet Jackson sat and dry heaved until it wasn't dry heaves and wallah, we had puke all over the kitchen.

Kids are fun like that sometimes.

1 comment:

grandma nina said...

Ha Jackson, I remember that when one kid would get sick the others would start a barf fewt. Just like Stand By Me.