Friday, December 26, 2008

We miss high speed internet.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We love and miss everyone but are adjusting to Clinton, MO. The home is beautiful and wonderful. However... we are currently to far out to enjoy the little perks like a close Target and high speed internet. (If anyone knows me... they know that these two little perks are a huge deal to me.) The internet is becoming a major problem. I am still praying that they powers that be will soon let us into the high speed club... until then I will make do with dial up.

I loved the many Christmas cards that we recieved. It is truly my favorite thing to get a Christmas card with an accompaning photo.

I hope to post more soon.. until then...


kristenhcubed said...

I could cry for you! We were just talking the other day about internet service. You really can't go back. Get me on dial-up and I'll just get off. It's not worth the wait. Hope you get up and running soon.

KitKat said...

Dial-up internet is unacceptable. Get a Sprint a cell phone for your computer. We miss you!

Woodland Family said...

I tried the Sprint card... UGH... Terrible service at our house. Dial up is faster... Yikes huh?!

khepworth said...

I seriously think I would die if I had to go to dial up. Seriously. I'd die.

Tamara said...

I hear you about the high-speed internet thing. It was actually on our list of reqs when shopping for our current house--amazing that so many areas don't have it.

There is "high-speed" satellite internet available--the speed is pitiful, and it has trouble when it's rainy outside, but it's still better than dialup. Providers include Wildblue and Hughes.

Unknown said...

He's so cute with the puppies.

Are you scared to be alone at home need security