So this weekend we worked on science projects. It was a riot. Hannah did her project on different liquids and their rusting effect on nails. Whitney did a study on gender bias... what places tend to have more boys and which ones have more girls. Mia did the celery stalk in colored water. We helped with a little but they had to put them together. Mia decided that it was too much work so she didn't turn it in. Hannah did hers all by herself and it was pretty great. Whitney's was fun too!
In the process of gluing down the info, Jackson decided to get into the middle of it all. He found the rubber cement. Rubber cement is great... for some things. I does not, however, come off of the human body easily (note that for future science project subjects). Jackson got it everywhere. His clothes were ruined, and try as we might to get it off his skin... it would not happen. It was particularly interesting on his forehead and hair. It had to be the best hair product ever ... if you want your hair to stand on end (even better than the stuff in "There's Something About Mary").
On his forehead it started out by looking like glossy snot... and then it turned into the best fake wrinkles.... and then looked like a strange skin disease. (Look closely!)
It finally has worn off and all is normal. In the future... we may just stick to good old Elmer's school glue.